Friday, July 25, 2008

National Anthem Booing!!!

As a resident of Toronto and a citizen of the beautiful country of Canada, I for once felt really ashamed about what I heard on the news today.

Well basically, as the people who live here may know, David Beckham and the L.A. Galaxy soccer team came to Toronto to play their league match against the local team here. Much like in many other sports such as football and baseball, the national anthem of each of the 2 countries are played at the beginning of the match.

To my absolute horror, the crowd started booing when the American National anthem (Star spangled banner) was being played. Now, I don't care how much you hate the America, it is just utterly disrespectful and ill-mannered to boo at anyone's national anthem. Who knows how many Americans were there in the crowds, who may have been offended.

I just find it totally ridiculous that people can actually go so low to do something like this.

Canada is supposed to be known for its tolerance towards people of various different ethnic backgrounds and cultures. We have also been very accepting of people in general, and to tell you the truth there really isn't much racial discrimination that exists here.
But after this, one really begins to rethink whether or not we really are as tolerant and open-minded as we think we are.

What are your views???
Plz comment.

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