Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fake Wife Divorce

Sanjib Saha, an Indian man living in the Eastern city of Kolkata, used an impersonator (playing his real wife) to get a divorce. Both Sanjib and the fake wife said that the divorce was mutually decided and the court agreed immediately.

Unfortunately for him, he is now facing legal charges after his real wife found out what happened and appealed to the Supreme court, suspending the divorce and accusing him of cheating.

Personally, I never thought that these sort of things were even possible in any part of the world in the 21st century. As far as I know, in most places you have lawyers involved and there is a lot of paper work and identification required. It's just amusing to me that an impersonator can take the role of the wife, without the judge or attorney or whoever was in the court recognizing who she really was.

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